Jumat, 16 Desember 2011

Ukulele Songs - Eddie Vedder (2011)

Eddie Vedder, mais conhecido como vocalista e principal compositor do Pearl Jam, lançou em 2011, seu segundo disco solo. O título do álbum é uma perfeita descrição do seu conteúdo: uma coleção de músicas tocadas no ukulele (um instrumento havaiano de 4 cordas, semelhante ao cavaquinho). Por mais estranha e inusitada que a proposta pareça, o resultado é um trabalho surpreendente.

Dois dos melhores momentos do álbum são as faixas em que Vedder colabora com outros cantores. Tanto "Sleepless Nights", com Glen Hansard (da dupla The Swell Season), quanto "Tonight You Belong To Me", um dueto com a cantora Cat Power.

Apesar de sua uniformidade sonora, que alguns podem confundir com preguiça de explorar outros instrumentos, Ukulele Songs evidencia o talento de Eddie Vedder, e a paixão com que ele gravou estas canções. Considerando as limitações que Vedder impôs à sua própria música, o resultado é admirável, e melhor do que se acreditava possível.

A capa do disco é uma bela obra de Jason deCaires Taylor chamada The Lost Correspondent.
  1. Cant Keep 2:36
 2. Sleeping By Myself 1:53
 3. Without You 3:18
 4. More Than You Know 2:24
 5. Goodbye 2:28
 6. Broken Heart 2:36
 7. Satellite 2:28
 8. Longing To Belong 2:38
 9. Hey Fahkah 0:08
 10. Youre True 3:23
 11. Light Today 2:41
 12. Sleepless Nights 2:39
 13. Once In A While 1:44
 14. Waving Palms 0:37
 15. Tonight You Belong To Me 1:41
 16. Dream A Little Dream 1:30


Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

Paul Mccartney Live At The Cavern

"Live at the Cavern Club" é o registro deste show, ao mesmo tempo histórico e inacreditável, realizado por Paul e seus chapas em 1999. Promovendo o disco "Run Devil Run", que trazia um repertório repleto de rocks da década de 1950, McCartney escolheu o pequeno, apertado e esfumaçado Cavern Club para realizar uma verdadeira aula de rock and roll.

A banda, acima de qualquer suspeita, diverte-se genuinamente durante todo o show, de uma forma espontânea que chega a chocar em alguns momentos, já que não estamos habituados a ver ícones como Gilmour, Paice e McCartney com uma intimidade tão grande. É como se o grupo que toca todo final de semana naquele seu boteco favorito fosse formado por alguns dos maiores músicos da história.

O repertório é uma sucessão de rocks inocentes e agitados, passando por hinos dos Beatles, como "I Saw Her Standing There", e clássicos que marcaram época, como "Honey Hush", "Lonesone Town", "Blue Jean Bop", "Fabulous" (com o grupo entrando totalmente errado e recomeçando a canção sob a batuta de Paul) e "Twenty Flight Rock".

Individualmente não há o que relatar em "Live at the Cavern Club" além do imenso prazer de assistir músicos experientes e lendários se divertindo  como se fossem crianças. Paul comanda o espetáculo, e parece ter novamente quinze anos. Gilmour revela um outro lado, soando mais agressivo na maneira de tocar do que aquela que nos acostumamos a ouvir nos álbuns do Pink Floyd  e em sua carreira solo, soltando-se de tal maneira no palco que chega até a dançar. Mick Green esbanja simplicidade nas bases e nos solos. Wingfield viaja de volta aos anos 1950 e traz na bagagem uma época mágica, onde o piano marcava presença e tornava os primeiros registros do rock ainda mais irresistíveis. E Paice segura tudo lá atrás com o talento que só um dos maiores bateristas da música pode ter. Como extras, cenas da gravação de "Run Devil Run" e dois clipes do disco.

"Live at the Cavern Club" é um DVD excepcional, obrigatório, clássico. Mostra todo o despojamento de ícones que atravessaram décadas, reunidos em um palco, se divertindo como se fossem adolescentes que acabaram de descobrir o rock. Talvez seja esse o segredo dessas carreiras únicas: uma paixão pela música tão grande que vai além do tempo, renovando-se a cada dia.

01. Honey Hush
02. Blue Jean Bop
03. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
04. Fabulous
05. What It Is
06. Lonesome Town
07. Twenty Flight Rock
08. No Other Baby
09. Try Not to Cry
10. Shake a Hand
11. All Shook Up
12. I Saw Her Standing There
13. Party

parte 1
parte 2
parte 3
parte 4
parte 5
parte 6
parte 7

Por Ricardo Seelig

Jumat, 12 Agustus 2011

Sum 41 - Discografia

Sum 41 - Discografia

 Sum 41 é uma banda de punk rock do Canadá formada em 1996, em Ajax, pelos adolescentes Deryck Whibley e Steve Jocz. Cone McCaslin foi recrutado um pouco mais tarde para completar a banda. O grupo aposta numa mistura de Punk, Pop e Rap.
O nome da banda, Sum 41, é uma abreviação da expressão: "41 days into the Summer", ou seja, 41 dias de verão. Mas nem mesmo os componentes sabem o porquê da escolha. O quarteto criado em cena local com artimanhas brincalhonas e performances energéticas, logo passou a realizar shows em regiões vizinhas. Vários produtores interessaram-se pela banda. Inicialmente, assinaram um contrato com a gravadora Aquarius, no Canadá, mas optou pela Island Records, que viu no Sum 41 um forte concorrente para os americanos do Blink-182.
Apenas amigos de escola, Whibley e Jocz comecaram com o Sum41 durante o verão de 1996 e tocavam na garagem da casa de um amigo. Com o primeiro grande show marcado para tocar no Chameleon, em Ajax, Whibley convidou Gregi Nori (guitarrista canadense da banda Treble Charger), para ver a banda. Alguns dias depois, Sum41 gravou uma demo tape com Nori, que decidiu gerenciá-los. Aos 17 anos, e ainda na escola, os quatro (guitarristas e baixistas vinham e iam) tocaram praticamente todos os finais de semana no Chameleon durante um ano.
Por volta de Dezembro de 98, a EMI Music Publishing (do Canadá), fez um contrato com o Sum41. Não era o contrato que se esperava; eles apenas tocavam como se fossem realmente contratados pela EMI, mas apenas isso. Decidiram fazer alguns vídeos, mas não vídeo-clipes comuns. Eram vídeos com revólveres de água atirando em pessoas na rua, meninas fazendo topless, danças do estilo Fatboy Slim na frente de um teatro lotado e um roubo de pizza. Isso fez a banda conseguir mais atenção.
Nori estava em Los Angeles quando começou a receber da EMI vários pacotes com material feito pelo Sum41. Uma semana depois o Sum41 recebeu ligações de três grandes gravadoras, fecharam contrato com a Island e lançaram em 2000 o primeiro CD, entitulado "Half Hour of Power". Em 2001 arrebentaram com "All Killer No Filler", com vídeos em praticamente todos os canais de música e vários singles.
    Seu ultimo trabalho , que promete ser um sucesso è Screaming Bloody Murder lançado em Março desse ano, com um som mais leve, abusando bastante do clássico violão e com Deryck Whibley tocando bem seu piano.


Half Hour Of Power - 2000

01 - Grab The Devil By The Horns And Fuck Him Up The
02 - Machine Gun
03 - What I Believe
04 - T.H.T.
05 - Makes No Difference
06 - Summer
07 - 32 Ways To Die
08 - Second Chance For Max Headroom
09 - Daves Possesed Hair-It's What Were All About
10 - The Chariot To The Devil
11 - Time Around


All Killer No Filler - 2001

01 - Introduction To Destruction
02 - Nothing On My Back
03 - Never Wake Up
04 - Fat Lip
05 - Rhythms
06 - Motivation
07 - In Too Deep
08 - Summer
09 - Handle This
10 - Crazy Amanda Bunkface
11 - All She's Got
12 - Heart Attack
13 - Pain For Pleasure


Does This Look Infected - 2002

01 - Hell Song
02 - Over My Head
03 - My Direction
04 - Still Waiting
05 - Asshole
06 - Yesterday.Com
07 - All Messed Up
08 - Mr. Amsterdam
09 - Thanks For Nothing
10 - Hyper-Insomnia
11 - Billy Spleen
12 - Hooch


Does This Look Infected Too - 2002

01 - Mr. Amsterdam (Live In Brussels)
02 - Over My Head (Better Off Dead) (Live In Brussels)
03 - No Brain (Live In Brussels)
04 - The Hell Song (Live In Brussels)
05 - Still Waiting (Live In Brussels)


Motivation - 2002

01. Motivation (Ep Version)
02. All She's Got (Live)
03. Crazy Amanda Bunkface (Live)
04. What Were All About (With Tommy Lee On Drums) (Live)


Chuck - 2004

01 - Intro
02 - No Reason
03 - We're All To Blame
04 - Angels With Dirty Faces
05 - Some Say
06 - The Bitter End
07 - Open Your Eyes
08 - Slipping Away
09 - I'm Not The One
10 - Welcome To Hell
11 - Pieces
12 - There's No Solution
13 - 88
14 - Noots (Bonus Track)
15 - Moron (Bonus Track)
16 - Subject To Change (Bonus Track)


Happy Live Surprise - 2005

01 - The Hell Song
02 - My Direction
03 - Over My Head (Better Off Dead)
04 - A.N.I.C
05 - Never Wake Up
06 - Were All To Blame
07 - Theres No Solution
08 - No Brains
09 - Some Say
10 - Welcome To Hell
11 - Grab The Devil
12 - Makes No Difference
13 - Pieces
14 - Motivation
15 - Still Waiting
16 - 88
17 - No Reason
18 - I Have A Question
19 - Moron
20 - Fatlip
21 - Pain For Pleasure


Underclass Hero - 2007

01 - Underclass Hero
02 - Walking Disaster
03 - Speak Of The Devil
04 - Dear Father
05 - Count Your Last Blessings
06 - Ma Poubelle
07 - March Of The Dogs
08 - The Jester
09 - With Me
10 - Pull The Curtain
11 - King Of Contradiction
12 - Best Of Me
13 - Confusion And Frustration In Modern Times
14 - So Long Goodbye
15 - No Apologies(Bonus Track)
16 - This Is Goodbye(Bonus Track)


8 Years Of Blood, Sake, And Tears - 2000-2008 - 2008

01 - Still Waiting
02 - The Hell Song
03 - Fat Lip
04 - We're All To Blame
05 - Walking Disaster
06 - In Too Deep
07 - Pieces
08 - Underclass Hero
09 - Motivation
10 - Makes no Difference
11 - With Me
12 - Handle this
13 - Over My Head (Better Off Dead)
14 - Pain for Pleasure
15 - Always
16 - My Direction [Live]
17 - Welcome To Hell [Live]


Screaming Bloody Murder(Sigles) - 2011 

01 - Screaming Bloody Murder
02 - Scumfuck


Screaming Bloody Murder - 2011

01 - Reason to Believe
02 - Screaming Bloody Murder
03 - Skumfuk
04 - Time for You to Go
05 - Jessica Kill
06 - What Am I to Say
07 - Holy Image of Lies
08 - Sick of Everyone
09 - Happiness Machine
10 - Crash
11 - Blood In My Eyes
12 - Baby You Don't Wanna Know
13 - Back Where I Belong
14 - Exit Song
15 - Reason to Believe (Acoustic)
16 - We're the Same


Jumat, 22 Juli 2011


What the f***in' hell was that!!!!!????....the intro hit like a thousand freakin' bullet trains colliding between my ears!!...no time to recover...the melody kicks in like four ancient mythical beasts awakening from their slumber of aeons...each weilding its weapon of mass destruction....hellbound to bitch slap mankind out of this world and into  the realms of Iron F***in' Maiden!!!!!!!!!....still hungry for the blood of unbelievers,posers and listeners of crap music....they continue their onslaught with blistering leads,bass runs and thundering drumming that summon their minions from the deepest, darkest pits of hell to forever seek and possess the souls of mankind with the spirit of Heavy Metal!!!!!!!!!!!!....and I'm one of those minions with a metal mission......HelllllYeahhh!!!!!!!!!

Murray and Smith Ripping Out Solos - The Early Years

That was exactly how I felt when I heard this instrumental for the first time about 15 years ago.This metal masterpiece was composed by founder and bassist Steve Harris while he was with his previous band Smiler.Steve came up with the basic idea of the song while walking home from a local club called the Cart & Horses. He presented the song to his band at the time but everyone in Smiler found most of his songs too complicated, and refused to play them.

Steve Harris (Bottom-Far left) in his former band "Smiler"

When he formed Maiden, "Transylvania" became a regularly played song during the early days. The piece would be the guitar solo spot of guitarist Dave Murray in live performances from 1980-82 as heard on the "Beast over Hammersmith" live recording from March, 1982. Another example was featured on the album "BBC Archives" recorded at The Reading Festival in August of 1982 which is of note when co-lead guitarist Adrian Smith had to play the second lead guitar solo before the finale as Murray had to replace his guitar which went dead.
Early Band Shot with Dennis Stratton (3rd from Left)-the guitarist who was replaced by the now legendary Mr.Adrian Smith

Listen to this classic instrumental via the Youtube link below and you'll know what I'm talkin' about.

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011


Running Free was the first single released by Maiden on the 8th of February 1980 on a 7" 45 rpm vinyl record format. Written by Harris and Di'Anno this song is the third track on this landmark album.The song is basically about a troubled 16-year-old boy who runs away on a pick up truck, ends up in an LA jail and picks up a woman from a bar later on. The song is known to be one of the band's more traditional rock numbers and is still played at Maiden gigs today with the band members individually named by the lead singer during Harris's bass-solo.
The single's cover art is famously known as the first official appearance of the band's mascot Eddie the 'ead. However, his face is obscured because the band did not want to unveil their mascot until the album's release. Several band names (Scorpions, Judas Priest, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin...) are spray painted on the wall behind the youth in the picture, which may be some of the band's influences.

Running Free is a dirty,gritty,straight forward rocker which never fails to get the crowd going when performed live.I personally love this song as a guitarist due to its simple hard rock riffs and slightly complicated double picking repetitive lead licks which also serve well as a warm up exercise for me.

A classic song that is worth a listen!! So get your ass to the Youtube link below and do what you have to!! 

Dave Murray - Guitar God In The Making

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011


Greetings Fellow Metalheads!!!!.....the song to be introduced today is Remember Tomorrow which is the 2nd song in this excellent album.It's a hypnotic and genuinely introspect, mellow piece that proves the band could quiet things down to create a very strong pensive mood. Original lead vocalist Paul Di'Anno offers a great, non-traditional gritty voice that, in my opinion, is perfect for the band and this album. His voice is what originally lent Iron Maiden a street level credibility that other, higher octave bands might not have gotten around the 1980's.
Iron Maiden with an early image of Eddie in the background

Its starts out  as a slow melancholy tune with an incredible heart wrenching solo which then leads into the soothing yet strong vocals of Di'Anno. This sad tune then suddenly swells into an ass-kicking riff that knocks you off your boots with blistering guitar solos... and just as you pull the last strand of hair from your head brought about by uncontrolled over-excitement....it heads back into its original moody tune and ends with class.

A much earlier line-up prior to the album

Definitely one of the more underrated songs in Maiden's career.Great lyrics,great rhythm and great solos.Give it a listen on Youtube and you'll be left wanting for more.

Eddie has done it again!!...guess who's the nice little lady on the ground

Rabu, 22 Juni 2011


Hail and Kill!!! Fellow Metalheads!!!......Since I had already introduced the highlight of the first self titled Maiden album in my previous posting, I have decided to introduce/discuss about all the other songs in this album which are equally classics as well.....
From left:Clive Burr (Drums),Dave Murray (Lead Guitar),Dennis Stratton (Lead Guitar),Eddie (The Mascot),Paul Di'Anno (Vocals),Steve Harris (Bass)

PROWLER!!!!!!!!.......what a rush!!!!!.....this is the opening song in this awesome album.Simply an entertaining heavy metal song. It has very fast paced riffage (though it's not thrash-metal) which gives the song its spunk. The electric guitars are very good here and the guitar solo is brilliant. This marks a solid album opener and quite an excellent intro for Iron Maiden altogether. It's heavy metal but it's not pretentious or cocky, and it's enjoyable, accessible, and spirited. What else do you want?
The vocals in this album are done by a dude called Paul Di'Anno who was the vocalist for Maiden's first two albums before being replaced by a certain Mr.Bruce Dickinson who has been a major contributor to the image and sound of the Iron Maiden that we know of now.
Paul Di'Anno
Well....personally I prefer Di'Anno to Dickinson because of the raw sound and feel that he gave to the songs. This album had a certain garage vibe.... in a good way that is....these were a bunch o' guys who'd been around since 75' trying to make it work,being broke most of the time,doing day jobs and gigging at night and going back to their jobs the next day. Perseverance and dedication basically paid off when their demo cassette, famously called the “Soundhouse Tapes” made its way to the hands of a certain metal DJ named Neal Kay who very reluctantly played it and got his ass blown away by the sheer energy,charisma and musical skills brought forth by the mere 4 songs that the cassette contained. The song that we are discussing about right now went on to No.1 in his Heavy Metal Soundhouse Charts in the “Sounds” magazine....and the rest was history.............

So enough with this descriptive bullshit and lets listen to this pure,unadulterated heavy metal classic in the Youtube Videobar below!!!

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011


I know its a bit late to be posting this....but I finally got to see Iron F***in' Maiden Live!!!!!!!!....I was hoping they would play "Phanthom of the Opera" but they dont do that often....hopefully I'll get to see them live again and hope they play this awesome song!!!!....its the epitome of everything that's metal....Listen to this song...you'll know what I'm talking about.

This crazy ass song is from their 1st self titled album released in 1980..but Maiden had been around, going through several line-up changes since '75..how could a bunch o' guys in their early 20's come up with such a sick song like this??!!...a really sick album as well....all the songs in this album are classics. No freakin' band around nowadays can pull off somethin' like this I tell ya!!!....only in the 70's,80's and 90's....the True Metal Years!!!

I urge everyone out there to listen to this masterpiece that will forever stand the test of time.....UP THE IRONS!!!!!!